Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sum Up

Well, wow...I haven't blogged in an excruciatingly long time. Only once in a whole year! But, you probably aren't interested in hearing about my lack of blogging because that is a fairly obvious point. On to different things. I will do a sum up as quickly as I can:
In the time that has passed since my last post, I have returned to Petersburg Alaska! Yay! I am working night shifts at the Convenience Store that is located on Mainstreet...not an ideal place of employment I may add (due to all the stoners that come in for munchies), but hey, it's a fairly well paying job and it is very nice to have a source of income. As I am working there, I am trying to figure out what I might like to do with life...hopefully it will become clear soon.
I have a new car now...a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer. It's a nice forest green color and I really like it. The Mallow was a grand car (and I still love it) but this car will be better in the winter as far as going back and forth to town on icy days. It's also better on the backroads...the poor Mallow is so short that she tends to bottom out.
I also have a new bedroom thanks to my sister who decided that she liked my BIGGER room with a view of the WATER that was WONDERFUL. But no big deal. If you happen to be a reader of her blog, I am sure that you've heard all about it. But in all actuality, it turned out alright. I was able to repaint her room and I bought a new bedspread, and it is actually quite cozy. I would put up a picture, but I am technically challenged and it would require me to ask my sister for assistance but at the moment she herself is blogging while watching Psych. *Big breath*
Winter is now setting in here. This week it is supposed to get down into the twenties and there has been frost and ice on the roads and plants on the side. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is eight days away and Christmas is just a little over a month away! I have to admit, I am kind of pleased with myself this half of my shopping is already done! computer is getting low on battery so I guess I will have to finish posting some other time. Well, hopefully I am now back into the world of blogging...I like to do's just a matter of doing it! Special shout out to my frousin Steph because she's such a faithful blogger and an awesome frousin! And another to Sharece because she too is an awesome frousin! An another to my sister because she motivated me to post...and okay, she's kinda awesome...even though she's a room stealer. XD

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another Post from Bozeman

Well, hello to whoever is reading this. I just finished reading my sister's blog as well as my frousin's (for those of you who are ignorant in the matter of frousins, it is a person who is a cousin as well as a friend...just so you know =) so I became inspired to write another post.

Right now I am back in Bozeman, Montana attending Montana Bible has been challenging to say the least, but I am learning to trust God in the process which is good for me, and I am learning to be obedient even when I am struggling...ouch.

Christmas break was fantastic...I was home for a little over three weeks which was SO nice! It was fun to just be home hanging out with my fam and enjoying being back in Petersburg. Christmas seemed extra special this year...I guess because I was away for almost four months so being with everyone was even more special than normal.

Not meaning to be boring, I want to take a moment to talk about the weather. It has been just like spring since I arrived. I have been going for walks and runs, and there are usually birds singing and the sun is actually reached forty degrees the other day! Pretty impressive after experiencing -25 before Christmas break...hopefully it will stick around, but I kind of doubt that it will.

During the time that I was home, netsirK introduced me to a little tv series called "Lost"...I know that there are mixed feelings regarding this show, but I have to say that I really like it. I have only seen season 1 and parts of season 5, but it is really good! It can be slightly confusing, and sometimes downright strange, but it has a really good plot, and the characters aren't addition, there really isn't anything too bad in it. A rare find.

This was kind of a random post, oh well. I suppose that I should be diligent and continue working on homework...there is so much to do!! Especially in my Introduction to Biblical Counseling class, but it's all good. =) I'll try to blog again soon. Over and out!

Monday, November 30, 2009

A New Post.

Oh, hai. =)

Had to do that...I love that website. =D Makes me laugh every time.

Well, obviously my consistency in blogging kind of fell apart. Oh well. There are worse things in life I s'pose.

Classes here at MBC are starting to wind down a bit since we are finishing up the semester. Most of the work is done now, and the only big thing that's left is finals...ugh. I am not looking forward to that *sigh*...tests tend to stress me a little. Otherwise, just finishing up homework.

Last Wednesday I flew over to Portland, Oregon to spend Thanksgiving with my Grandma and Grandpa which was SO nice. I am really thankful that I was able to spend the holiday with them, especially since I wasn't able to go home. It was quick, but it was really nice to see them! I am sooooo excited for Christmas break!!! WOOHOO!!! About 2 and a half weeks and I will be home again...yay!

Right now there is about 1 and 1/2 feet of snow on the ground...there was more, but some of it melted, and it is so light that it just kind of blows away's a lot different than the wet Petersburg snow! I can hardly believe how cold it can get here...apparently it isn't unusual for it to get down to -20, -30 in January and February. Brrr!! And it's so poor hands can't take much more of it! My knuckles are cracked. =( Just what you wanted to know. =)

I need to go Christmas shopping soon...I am actually surprised because this year I have pretty much all the gifts that I am going to buy planned out...usually it is a little more disorganized. I am so excited for Christmas!! I love it. =) We have some Christmas lights up in our dorm room, and we even have a tiny tree on one of our side tables with some presents next to it...pretty cute!

Well, I think that's about all I have for now. I am really tired today...and I still miss coffee. =(

Bai! Heehee.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

*Can't Think of a Clever Title*

Here I am yet again to blog...strange that I have been more consistent in blogging since I have been here. Hm...

Well, in about an hour I am going to go on a Costco excursion. Just what you wanted to hear about right? =) I need (yes, need) to buy some decaf coffee, since I am fasting from caffeine for a time...oh, the sadness! Then I need to buy some MEAT, and possibly some other things... I dislike grocery shopping because I always leave feeling somewhat guilty...groceries aren't cheap! I have a great appreciation for Western Family and other cheaper products now...who cares about name brand! Well, there are some things that you simply don't buy from Western macaroni and cheese...eww!

Apparently winter is over for a time...for three days now it has been in the mid sixties, and there is hardly any snow left. Quite amazing. I am glad that we get to have a little more nice weather before winter fully sets in.

Last night I experienced star gazing for the first was SO cool! I mean, I have looked at and admired the stars before, but I haven't stood outside under a starry sky for for a long period of time, for the purpose of watching stars.=) It was beautiful...they sky was so clear that I could see the milk way, and I saw FOUR shooting stars!! It was fun...I went with a couple of other people that go Grace Bible Church. Oh, another thing that I noticed was all of the satellites that are floating around up there...mildy creepy...we are being watched! =)

This week in school I have a midterm exam for my Genesis class, and then I have an eight page rough draft due for my Survey of Doctrine class, PLUS all of my weekly homework. Yikes! I think I'll be okay though...I have over half of my doctrine paper done, and the midterm shouldn't be too bad...I hope.=)

Well, I guess that is about all that I have for now...G'bye!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Well hi,

Today we don't have any classes because it is prayer day, so I though that I would blog.=) Prayer time started at about nine, and we went off into different groups and took prayer requests, prayed for different nations, prayed for the school, and just prayed! =) We also had a worship time which was pretty cool.

Well, I got my wish...we had one day that was crisp and chilly, yet sunny, and then the next day..BAM! It started snowing. I was so excited. I woke up to get ready for school, and it was still dark out and there was rain drumming on the roof, and almost as soon as I got into the school, it started to snow! Although quite a bit came down, it didn't really stick...but a few days later (yesterday) we got a whole bunch...about five inches worth! Today the sun is out and it is quite a bit warmer so it is melting perhaps now we will have fall.=)

This weekend Mr. and Mrs. O (good friends of mine who were my youth group leaders) are coming down to Montana from Petersburg for a visit, and I am really looking forward to seeing them! It will be kinda like a taste of home.=)

On Thursday us gals at Montana Bible College are having a girls night and girls from MSU are also invited, so it should be a really good night...we are going to have prayer and worship time and then some games, too. I am looking forward to it! Hopefully it will become a regular thing.

I think that I need to go for a walk today...get some fresh air! Woo hoo! I've been inside way too much lately and it is starting to bother me.

Tomorrow I am going to the MSU library to get some more books for the papers that I have to write...that library is HUMONGOUS!! I haven't actually been in there, but I have seen the building...hopefully they will have what I need.=)

This last weekend I went shopping with a couple of gals from the dorms...we went to Sacks, which is a local thrift store (got some really nice things actually) and then we went to Old Navy as well which was fun. I like to go shopping every once in a while...I was also in need of some warm shirts. It is SO cold in our classrooms! I also received some sweatshirts from home which was fun! It's like Christmas when I get packages in the mail...very exciting! =)

Let's's some good quotes for your enjoyment:

1)He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

Jim Elliot

2)The safest place to be is within the will of God


3)I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.

4). Our peace and confidence are to be found not in our empirical holiness, not in our progress toward perfection, but in the alien righteousness of Jesus Christ that covers our sinfulness and alone makes us acceptable before a holy God.
Donald Bloesch

Bye for now!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My weekend thus far

Well, it's another sunny day here in Montana. I like sunshine and all, but I have to say that I REALLY miss the Petersburg rain! It's pretty chilly in the mornings and nights though, so fall and winter are definitely on the way...or maybe it already is fall ???? I love fall...

Let's see... so far my weekend hasn't been terribly exciting, although I did make some applesauce oatmeal cookies the other day. They were more on the healthy side as far as cookies go, but they were still pretty good. I might make some more today because I still have some applesauce that needs to be used... or maybe I should work on homework instead. =D There is a lot of homework to do here, but it's not so bad as long as you stay on top of's the writing assignments that might kill me. I really like to write, but I have to write three papers (not counting several book critiques), and it is going to be kind of challenging because I have to use a certain amount of resources for each one, and only 3 of them can be an internet source...rats.=) One of my papers is for my Survey of Doctrine class and I picked the topic of spiritual has to be 10-15 pages long, but at least we get to double space. Yay! Then I am going to write a paper on the Auca Indians for my Missions class, and then my other paper has to be on a topic of interest in the Old Testament...still haven't figured out what I am going to write for that one.=)

Last night I watched an interesting movie...well, actually, I didn't watch the whole thing...but anyway, it's called "The Sin Eater". Yeah, I know, it sounds really weird and freakish, but it was actually really good...I would recommend it! The acting is slightly cheesy in a few spots, but its a good movie...good story and plot, and it explains the gospel really clearly in the end.

Alrighty...I need to find some breakfast...bye for now!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'nother blog

G'day. I thought that I would take this opportunity to brain is a wee bit fried after writing up my doctrine statement on Revelation and Scripture for one of my classes. It helps that the teacher gave us a sample statement to look at, and that we are able to plagiarize a bit.=) He's the one that typed them up, so it's legal and worries.=) I think I have it was kind of a fun thing to do actually and it is good to check up on what you believe.

There's been a nip in the air the past couple of feels kind of nice. I am looking forward to fall although, I think it is supposed to get back up to the eighties in a couple of days. I've been trying to send some sun up to Alaska (it's been pouring down rain up there) but so far it hasn't worked. Sorry guys! Maybe I need to try harder...=)

I think I need to go for a walk or something tonight...I've been cooped up all day with school and homework...aaahhhhh! Plus, I have been drinking a Rockstar which has energized me a bit...I was SO tired this morning...I was practically sleep walking to class this morning.

Well, this was a short one, but I should probably work on some more homework...bye for now!