Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay, something major happened...I almost got in my first car accident yesterday! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You know how I was being all mischievous about taking the suburban for a spin yesterday??? Well, I was driving along with Kristen and Casey, and as we were driving we came upon a hill. A hill where you have to stop at the bottom. So, since it was icy and being the good little driver that I am, I began to brake lightly well in advance of reaching the bottom. Ahead of us was a little dinker car, and as we were going down the hill, I became alarmed at our rate of descent. We got, closer, and closer to the car ahead of us, so I started to push hard on the brake. To my horror, a terrible sound came from the brakes and we hardly slowed down at all. It all seemed to happen in slow motion. I was pushing on the brake with all of my might, and although we were only going at a slow crawl, we were getting very near to the back of the other car. At that point I knew that we were going to hit. I am sure that all of our eyes were as round as King Arthur's table. To my astonishment, we stopped, mere centimeters from the back of the car, *hallelujah chorus*. Oh my goodness I was relieved! There was some girls sitting in the back of the little car, and they both glanced back at us just as we were about to stop. One continued to stare while the other looked away for a second but then did a double take, her eyes huge. They continued to stare/glare at us until they drove away. Can't say that I blame them. It wouldn't be a good feeling seeing an enormous suburban large enough to run your little car over right on your tail.

My poor lovely (aka, my cat Noca)! She has green goobies coming out of her right eye and it is seeping badly. Poor baby! We figure she got scratched by one of her fellow kitties *cough, Mocha, cough* and it got infected. Hopefully she will survive this ordeal. She's too young to go!

Oh, in case you would like to know, my brother Casey and his friend found an eagle skull on the beach in front of our house today. Just a little F.Y.I. This information could come in handy someday, just like algebra will.

Okey dokey...I don't believe that I have anything else to say at this point in time. BYE. that is a weird word...bye...bye, bye, bye, bye, it seems really strange. Okay, I really am going now.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Hello one and all (all two of you)=)

It is another BEAUTIFUL day here in nice! I heard that it is supposed to snow this weekend though, so we'd better enjoy it while it lasts. *Sigh*, just when you think it might be spring, BAM! another few feet of snow.

We are going to be running (yes, running) into town pretty soon...Kristen and Casey have to get tetnus shots. I am going to stand in the corner and laugh at their pain...hehe. I really actually do feel bad for them...tetnus shots usually make your arm sore. Better than lock-jaw I suppose. After they have been thoroughly tortured, mom is going to get a hairdo so we kids get the 'burban...*grins mischievously*.

I was informed last night that my blog is boring (you know who you are)...whether that refers to my actual writing style or my background thingy, I do not know. I will say, that I want to change the backdrop because it's rather... "blah". I need something poppin' like netsirK's. Hmmm....


I don't know what else to write about...let's see...

Here are some random quotes:

"There are four basic food groups, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles."

There is only one satisfying way to boot a computer. ~J.H. Goldfuss

A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists. ~Joan Gussow

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. ~Author Unknown

How long a minute is, depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. ~Zall's Second Law

In Seattle you haven't had enough coffee until you can thread a sewing machine while it's running. ~Jeff Bezos

The cigarette does the smoking - you're just the sucker. ~Author Unknown

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis

If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist’s office would be full of luminous ideas. ~Mason Cooley

On that note, I'd best be going...bye now! ~Brittni Bell

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow, I am in total amazement...the sun is shining...AGAIN!! For the past couple of days it has been sunshine and lollipops. Quite delightful. I am, however, slightly concerned that this is going to be our summer, and the actual months that are supposed to be summer will be filled with days of gloom and rain *heart palputates, eyes grow wide*

I am so jealous! My dad saw FIVE WOLVES the other day and instead of heading for the hills, they ignored him and continued to romp and play in the snow...that would be SO cool to see!! I have seen wolves before, but those were really quick viewings because they are rather shy and like to run quickly.

Ah, I hear the sound of 80's music coming from the back really cranks it.=) I don't mind some of it, but the rest is, you know. She loves that stuff...those of you who follow netsirK's blog will know that she loves it also. He he.

In other news, I applied for a job at Petersburg Rexall Drug (the local pharmacy) and I am pretty much hired. Yay!

Alrighty folks...I guess that is all I got for now. Adios!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Well, Steph, I am going to kind of take after your evolution blog in this post.

Just yesterday, I finished my essay that I wrote on abortion. I knew that this practice was sinful, sad and sickening before, but after doing a ton of research on it, I find it even more troubling. Over 42 million unborn babies are being murdered every year worldwide...that is an outrageous amount. The reasons that people are coming up with to get abortions is equally disturbing...most of the reasons given are personal, such as a lack of time and finances, feelings of immaturity to raise a child, and killing the baby because it is a boy when a girl is wanted or vice versa What about adoption? In addition, the way that these babies are being killed is flat out disturbing. It is so sad to think of all the small beating hearts being stopped. I cannot follow the argument that "fetuses (which is just latin for 'baby') are not actually human babies...what else would they be?! They have human DNA, they have beating hearts, so it seems like the logical thing to think here is that these are in fact alive, human infants. Their blood is screaming out on the doctors' and mothers' hands. It is awful to think that this practice is allowed and even encouraged in this country.

Anyhow, I just wanted to share that blurb with the class...thanks for reading.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello one and all! Welcome to my blog, the Chimes of Life. There are only a few of you who will get the significance of this title.=) netsirK and Steph have been bugging me about a blog, and recently, the idea has begun to grow on me. So, thanks to my sista netsirK's mad computer skills, here I am, typing away about nothing imparticular. I understand why bloggers appreciate a good tag once in a while.=)

Well, I blog more later so...bye!