Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow, I am in total amazement...the sun is shining...AGAIN!! For the past couple of days it has been sunshine and lollipops. Quite delightful. I am, however, slightly concerned that this is going to be our summer, and the actual months that are supposed to be summer will be filled with days of gloom and rain *heart palputates, eyes grow wide*

I am so jealous! My dad saw FIVE WOLVES the other day and instead of heading for the hills, they ignored him and continued to romp and play in the snow...that would be SO cool to see!! I have seen wolves before, but those were really quick viewings because they are rather shy and like to run quickly.

Ah, I hear the sound of 80's music coming from the back really cranks it.=) I don't mind some of it, but the rest is, you know. She loves that stuff...those of you who follow netsirK's blog will know that she loves it also. He he.

In other news, I applied for a job at Petersburg Rexall Drug (the local pharmacy) and I am pretty much hired. Yay!

Alrighty folks...I guess that is all I got for now. Adios!

1 comment:

  1. How come this post that you just wrote does not have a title? Did dearest ol' brit forget. Tisk tisk!
