Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sum Up

Well, wow...I haven't blogged in an excruciatingly long time. Only once in a whole year! But, you probably aren't interested in hearing about my lack of blogging because that is a fairly obvious point. On to different things. I will do a sum up as quickly as I can:
In the time that has passed since my last post, I have returned to Petersburg Alaska! Yay! I am working night shifts at the Convenience Store that is located on Mainstreet...not an ideal place of employment I may add (due to all the stoners that come in for munchies), but hey, it's a fairly well paying job and it is very nice to have a source of income. As I am working there, I am trying to figure out what I might like to do with life...hopefully it will become clear soon.
I have a new car now...a 2002 Chevy Trailblazer. It's a nice forest green color and I really like it. The Mallow was a grand car (and I still love it) but this car will be better in the winter as far as going back and forth to town on icy days. It's also better on the backroads...the poor Mallow is so short that she tends to bottom out.
I also have a new bedroom thanks to my sister who decided that she liked my BIGGER room with a view of the WATER that was WONDERFUL. But no big deal. If you happen to be a reader of her blog, I am sure that you've heard all about it. But in all actuality, it turned out alright. I was able to repaint her room and I bought a new bedspread, and it is actually quite cozy. I would put up a picture, but I am technically challenged and it would require me to ask my sister for assistance but at the moment she herself is blogging while watching Psych. *Big breath*
Winter is now setting in here. This week it is supposed to get down into the twenties and there has been frost and ice on the roads and plants on the side. I can't believe that Thanksgiving is eight days away and Christmas is just a little over a month away! I have to admit, I am kind of pleased with myself this half of my shopping is already done! computer is getting low on battery so I guess I will have to finish posting some other time. Well, hopefully I am now back into the world of blogging...I like to do's just a matter of doing it! Special shout out to my frousin Steph because she's such a faithful blogger and an awesome frousin! And another to Sharece because she too is an awesome frousin! An another to my sister because she motivated me to post...and okay, she's kinda awesome...even though she's a room stealer. XD


  1. I'm very awesome, for the record.
    Anyways, finally you have ended your blog bumness. I love your hand-me-downs! The Marshmallow and this wonderful spacious room with a waterfront view... ahhh.

  2. lol. Yay for Birt to break free from her bummness!!! Cozy rooms are always nice. Be thankful that you have a room birt! Unlike me :( But oh well.

    Goodness, I havent even started christmas shoppin yet!!! You are such an early bird! :P I guess I better get on it!

    Lookin forward to the next post!
