Saturday, October 17, 2009

*Can't Think of a Clever Title*

Here I am yet again to blog...strange that I have been more consistent in blogging since I have been here. Hm...

Well, in about an hour I am going to go on a Costco excursion. Just what you wanted to hear about right? =) I need (yes, need) to buy some decaf coffee, since I am fasting from caffeine for a time...oh, the sadness! Then I need to buy some MEAT, and possibly some other things... I dislike grocery shopping because I always leave feeling somewhat guilty...groceries aren't cheap! I have a great appreciation for Western Family and other cheaper products now...who cares about name brand! Well, there are some things that you simply don't buy from Western macaroni and cheese...eww!

Apparently winter is over for a time...for three days now it has been in the mid sixties, and there is hardly any snow left. Quite amazing. I am glad that we get to have a little more nice weather before winter fully sets in.

Last night I experienced star gazing for the first was SO cool! I mean, I have looked at and admired the stars before, but I haven't stood outside under a starry sky for for a long period of time, for the purpose of watching stars.=) It was beautiful...they sky was so clear that I could see the milk way, and I saw FOUR shooting stars!! It was fun...I went with a couple of other people that go Grace Bible Church. Oh, another thing that I noticed was all of the satellites that are floating around up there...mildy creepy...we are being watched! =)

This week in school I have a midterm exam for my Genesis class, and then I have an eight page rough draft due for my Survey of Doctrine class, PLUS all of my weekly homework. Yikes! I think I'll be okay though...I have over half of my doctrine paper done, and the midterm shouldn't be too bad...I hope.=)

Well, I guess that is about all that I have for now...G'bye!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Well hi,

Today we don't have any classes because it is prayer day, so I though that I would blog.=) Prayer time started at about nine, and we went off into different groups and took prayer requests, prayed for different nations, prayed for the school, and just prayed! =) We also had a worship time which was pretty cool.

Well, I got my wish...we had one day that was crisp and chilly, yet sunny, and then the next day..BAM! It started snowing. I was so excited. I woke up to get ready for school, and it was still dark out and there was rain drumming on the roof, and almost as soon as I got into the school, it started to snow! Although quite a bit came down, it didn't really stick...but a few days later (yesterday) we got a whole bunch...about five inches worth! Today the sun is out and it is quite a bit warmer so it is melting perhaps now we will have fall.=)

This weekend Mr. and Mrs. O (good friends of mine who were my youth group leaders) are coming down to Montana from Petersburg for a visit, and I am really looking forward to seeing them! It will be kinda like a taste of home.=)

On Thursday us gals at Montana Bible College are having a girls night and girls from MSU are also invited, so it should be a really good night...we are going to have prayer and worship time and then some games, too. I am looking forward to it! Hopefully it will become a regular thing.

I think that I need to go for a walk today...get some fresh air! Woo hoo! I've been inside way too much lately and it is starting to bother me.

Tomorrow I am going to the MSU library to get some more books for the papers that I have to write...that library is HUMONGOUS!! I haven't actually been in there, but I have seen the building...hopefully they will have what I need.=)

This last weekend I went shopping with a couple of gals from the dorms...we went to Sacks, which is a local thrift store (got some really nice things actually) and then we went to Old Navy as well which was fun. I like to go shopping every once in a while...I was also in need of some warm shirts. It is SO cold in our classrooms! I also received some sweatshirts from home which was fun! It's like Christmas when I get packages in the mail...very exciting! =)

Let's's some good quotes for your enjoyment:

1)He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

Jim Elliot

2)The safest place to be is within the will of God


3)I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.

4). Our peace and confidence are to be found not in our empirical holiness, not in our progress toward perfection, but in the alien righteousness of Jesus Christ that covers our sinfulness and alone makes us acceptable before a holy God.
Donald Bloesch

Bye for now!