Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bla Bla Bla

It's so disheartening when nobody comments on my blog (hint, hint)...I go to all of the trouble of carefully typing out the events of my life, and no one sees it as being of any consequence. My feelings have been deeply wounded. Okay, it isn't that big of a deal, but is it really so hard to give a gal a comment??

This morning a very strange and unusual phenomenon occurred. I woke up at a quarter to seven and I felt awake. Normally, if I have to get up at a certain time, only the alarm clock can wake me up. But not today. Very strange. I did end up going back to sleep after about a half an hour (don't worry, I wasn't anywhere near being late for work)...anyway, just thought that I would share that.

Speaking of strange things, I have another little story. Today at work I was busy shuffling products around on the shelves and organizing them. To accomplish this, I needed a step stool for some of the harder to reach things. As I was standing on the stool, this dude came up to me and asked me if I wanted him to help me. I told him that I was managing just fine but thank you anyway. I thought that that would be the end of it but instead he just stood there and said "Are you sure?" to which I replied "Yes, I am sure." He then nodded and started to walk off but then said "Let me know if you change your mind." Uh, excuse me, but what part of "No" do you not understand buckwheat? 0.O

Oh, I just looked up and it is quite nice outside. Hm. Perhaps spring is here! Maybe I should go for a quick evening stroll on the beach...

Okay, I don't know what to writeabout so I am going to ask Kristen to give me a random word to blog about...ptarmigan? Alright. Ptarmigan is bird a little smaller than a chicken that just happens to be Alaska's state bird...the Willow Ptarmigan to be precise. It is brown in color in the summer months, but as winter approaches, its plumage gradually changes to a nice white color to blend in with the snow. If it doesn't snow, then tough luck for da birdie. =) They are quite cute...especially because they look like they are wearing feathered pants and they also taste excellent. How was that for a Animal Planet type presentation? Well, maybe the last part not so much.

With that little section on a bird added to this blog, I feel contented to post it now. Muchas Gracias for reading.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Skating, Soreness, Birthdays, Snow, and Blondes.


Right now I am watching figure skating while I am blogging. Pretty skilled huh? Not skilled enough to figure skate though...it amazes me that people can do all of those spins and twists and only rarely fall onto their buns.

Man, I'm sore today from wallyball! Lots of fun though.=)

Tomorrow netsirK and I are going to Steph's b-day lunch...happy birthday to her! (Or to you Steph if you are reading this XD )

Let's see...what else is new...oh, the snow is falling harder than ever tonight. Well, I guess I should try to enjoy it...it is so hard though because I am really ready for spring. Or we can just jump directly into summer.=) Global warming is such a joke. =)

Speaking of jokes, I thought that I would put up these next blonde jokes. But first, I must say something to those of you who may be blonde (whether it be natural or out of a bottle). I have nothing against blondes, especially because I myself have occasional blonde moments. Just thought that these were kind of funny. I got it off of coolblondejokes.com.

Title: She Was So Blonde

She was so blonde...

She got stabbed in a shoot-out.

She put lipstick on her forehead because she wanted to make up her mind.

She told me to meet her at the corner of 'walk' and 'don't walk'.

She tried to put M&Ms in alphabetical order.

She tried to drown a fish.

She thought a quarterback was a refund.

She got locked in a grocery store and starved to death.

If you gave her a penny for intelligence, you'd get change back.

They had to burn the school down to get her out of third grade.

Under 'education' on her job application, she put 'Hooked On Phonics.'

She tripped over a cordless phone.

She took a ruler to bed to see how long she slept.

At the bottom of the application where it says 'sign here', she put 'Sagittarius.'

She asked for a price docket at the Dollar Store.

If she spoke her mind, she'd probably be speechless.

She studied for a blood test... and failed.

She thought Boyz II Men was a daycare center.

She thought Meow Mix was a record for cats.

She thought she needed a ticket to get on Soul Train.

She sold the car for gas money.

And there you have it. I hope that no one is offended. =) Good night!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm Back! (with a vengeance)

Well, obviously my resolution to be more consistent in my blogging hasn't gone so well thus far. I really haven't been on my computer very often lately...between working, housesitting, schooling, eating, and sleeping, there isn't a whole lot of time to spare for a good blog!

Over spring break I housesat for a friend the family. I was there for four days and everything went smoothly...the house neither froze up nor burned down. Her cat (Sammi) and I were able to spend some quality bonding time together. Although Sammi is really cute and cuddly for the most part, she can be slightly evil. One night she fiercely attacked my ankle for no apparent reason...oh well, that's a cat for ya. Also, in the mornings when I was making my way down the stairs, she would rub on my foot with each step I took. It was kind of cute at first, but then after I nearly fell down the stairs to avoid stepping on her, it wasn't so cute. Anyhow, it was kinda fun, but it was nice to get back home to my own kitty (and my family of course=)

I can't believe that I am almost done with highshool...how weird is that? When I was younger I couldn't wait to be all done with school, but now that I am thinking "whoa, wait a second!" I am still excited tho. At least I have my future totally organized (not!)=)

Oh, I must note that today my nephew is turning 1!!! Happy birthday Milo! What a guy. For those of you who don't know who Milo is (shame on you!), he is my sister netsirK's leopard gecko. May I recommend that you become a fan? While I have to admit that I prefer pets with fur, Milo is pretty darn cute.

I cannot believe the weather that we are having right now...no, I take that back, I can believe it. One day I think that spring has finally arrived, the next day, it is snowing again. At least I heard a mountain robin the other morning...that's a step in the right direction.

In a few hours I will be heading to the home of the O's for the evening...always a good time.=) We are going to play wallyball which will be fun...I haven't played in forever tho so I feel sorry for the people that are going to be on my team.=I The Popps (the other couple who help out in our youth group) are going to be there, and I am looking forward to seeing how Mr. Popp plays...if you know him then you will know exactly what I mean. He is a pretty hyper person.

Oh, I almost forgot!! I was going to give my two cents about Pete leaving the newsboys! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! What is going on in this world?? I have so many questions!! To name a few:

1) The newsboys knew that this was going to happen way ahead of time, so why didn't they tell the fans before Tait appears on stage, to the shock and dare I say horror, of the fans in the crowd?

2) Why all of the secrecy? Why aren't they telling us what is going on?


It is all so shocking. In my mind, the newsboys are no more. It would have been different if, say, Jody stepped up to the microphone, but Tait? I know that he and the boys are friends and all, but he really has nothing to do with them. Don't get me wrong, I am still fans of the boys (Duncan, Jody, Jeff, Peter, etc..,) but Tait, no. To me, they are no longer the newsboys...Peter was the rock of that band, and with him gone, the newsboys are gone too.

Bah. On that note, I need to get going. Thank you for reading me blog and I shall try to get back on here soon. Toodles!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Oops...it's been a while since I have blogged...not intentionally mind you.=)

I think I am fighting a bug because the last few days in school have been PAINFUL! I feel like I can't think which is extremely frustrating...especially with Algebra 2. NOT FUN. Either that or my brain is overloaded from the combo of school and learning all of the new things at me job. To quote Skittles, "I can't brain today." XD

Random bit of info...I watched the music video for "In the Valley of the Dying Sun" by House of Heroes and it was so sad!!! I almost cried. If you just listen to the song without watching the video, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but after watching it, it was fully explained. netsirK wasn't impressed with my show of emotion...at least I HAVE a heart. We (my sis and I) and our frousins watched "Titanic" and while Steph and I were crying our eyes out, netsirK and Sharece were laughing because Steph and I were sobbing...what is this world coming to?????

Right now I am watching nesirK blog...she is on the couch across from the chair that I am sitting on...she makes some interesting faces...most of them are smug. She smiles with satisfaction as she looks at what she has written thus far. Cocks her head to...get a better view?? Her fingers fly over the keys...backspacing every now and again. She has stopped. Now she is contemplating what to write, OH! There she goes again. Can you tell that I don't know what to write about? =)

*Sigh*...I was going to put a random quote on here, just for kicks, but the stinkin' internet is b-e-i-n-g v-e-r-y s-l-o-w. So disappointing.

In the future I shall try to be more conistent in my blogging.=) Bye y'all!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Firewood, Job, and Dinner

We (Kristen, Casey, Dad and I) just finished unloading and stacking a very large, actually, massive, pile of firewood. It was cursed firewood too...the more we put away, the more the pile grew! It was freaky. Okay, it didn't really grow, but it sure seemed like it. Another thing is that we got stuck in a time warp! After unloading for what seemed like at least an hour, only fifteen minutes had passed. It was truly amazing. While I am glad to help Dad out and I while I sorta don't mind it, after a while, it gets kind of monotonous. Get the wood from Casey, pass it to Kristen, get the wood from Casey, pass it to Kristen, and on and on it goes. To make it a little more lively, we all placed bets on how long it would take us. Kristen guessed forty-five minutes, Casey guess an hour, Dad bet an hour and twelve minutes, and I bet an hour and eleven minutes, just to be a pain. XD Anyhow, dad won...I don't know what he won, but he won.

My job at the Drug store is going well...I have worked two days there *cheers*! Tomorrow, I have to be there at 7:30 which translates into me having to get up at SIX A.M.!!! Wow. I must be strong! Oohh *big grin* I nearly forgot about coffee. hehe. MUAHAHAHA!!! With caffeine, I shall conquer the early morning hours. My hat's off to all y'all that get up at that time on a regular basis.

I mad a tragic realization today! WE FORGOT ALLIE'S BIRTHDAY!!! Poor puppy!! What kind of a family are we?!? Oh my. Well, I told her happy birthday, and although she looked hurt, she is a forgiving pooch. She is now three years old! It seems like just yesterday that she was a tiny puppy. So cute!

Well, I need to figure out what I am having for dinner...it is scavenger night here. Find what you can; it's every man for himself. Bye now.